What is the Fee for Southwest Unaccompanied Minors?

When planning air travel for your child, especially when they need to fly alone, understanding the Southwest unaccompanied minor fee is crucial. Southwest Airlines offers a robust service to ensure that children traveling alone are safe, secure, and well taken care of throughout their journey. This article dives deep into the details of the fees associated with Southwest's unaccompanied minor service, helping you make informed decisions and ensuring that your child’s travel experience is smooth and hassle-free.

Overview of Southwest's Unaccompanied Minor Policy

Southwest Airlines requires children between the ages of 5 and 11, who are traveling without a companion aged 12 or older, to fly as unaccompanied minors (UMs). This policy ensures that young travelers are monitored closely from the moment they are dropped off at the departure gate until they are handed over to the authorized adult at their destination.

The airline has structured this service to provide parents and guardians with peace of mind, knowing that their child is under constant supervision during their journey. However, this dedicated attention comes with a fee, which we will discuss in detail.

Understanding the Southwest Unaccompanied Minor Fee

The Southwest unaccompanied minor fee is a mandatory charge that covers the additional services provided by the airline to ensure your child's safety. As of the latest information, the fee is set at $50 each way per child, in addition to the cost of the ticket. This fee applies to both domestic and international flights.

What Does the Fee Include?

The unaccompanied minor fee covers several important services, including:

  1. Pre-boarding Assistance: Your child will be allowed to board the plane before other passengers, ensuring they have ample time to get settled and meet the flight attendants who will look after them.

  2. In-Flight Supervision: During the flight, the cabin crew is made aware of the unaccompanied minor’s presence and takes extra care to ensure they are comfortable and have everything they need.

  3. Escort Service at Arrival: Upon reaching the destination, the child will be escorted off the plane and handed over to the designated adult listed in the Unaccompanied Minor form.

Additional Considerations

It’s important to note that the unaccompanied minor fee is non-refundable and must be paid at the time of booking or upon check-in. Additionally, the fee is charged per flight segment, meaning if your child has a connecting flight, the fee will apply to each leg of the journey.

Booking Process for Unaccompanied Minors on Southwest

Booking a flight for an unaccompanied minor on Southwest Airlines involves a few extra steps compared to a standard reservation. Below, we outline the process to ensure a seamless experience.

1. Reservation

The first step is to book the flight as you normally would, either through the Southwest Airlines website, mobile app, or by calling their customer service at +1-860-516-6375 . When entering the passenger details, you will need to specify that the traveler is an unaccompanied minor. The system will automatically add the unaccompanied minor fee to your total.

2. Filling Out the Unaccompanied Minor Form

Once the flight is booked, you must complete the Unaccompanied Minor Form. This form requires detailed information, including:

  1. Child’s Information: Full name, date of birth, and any special needs.

  2. Parent/Guardian Information: Contact details of the person dropping off and picking up the child.

  3. Emergency Contacts: Additional contacts who can be reached in case of any unforeseen issues.

This form is crucial as it helps the airline staff to communicate effectively and ensure that the child is handed over to the correct person at the destination.

3. Checking In

On the day of travel, the parent or guardian must check in the child at the airport. You cannot check in unaccompanied minors online or at a kiosk. You will need to go to the ticket counter where the form will be reviewed, and the child will be issued a special wristband that identifies them as an unaccompanied minor.

4. Security and Boarding

After checking in, you will escort the child through security and to the departure gate. It’s advisable to arrive at the airport early to allow ample time for this process. You will need to stay at the gate until the flight has departed.

Tips for Parents and Guardians

Ensuring that your child has a positive travel experience as an unaccompanied minor requires some preparation. Here are a few tips to help:

Prepare Your Child Mentally

Talk to your child about what to expect during the flight. Explain the process of boarding, the flight itself, and what will happen when they land. Make sure they know to ask the flight attendants if they need anything.

Pack Essentials

Pack a small bag with snacks, a book, or a game to keep them entertained. Make sure they have a charged phone if they are old enough to use one.

Label Everything

Ensure that your child’s luggage and belongings are clearly labeled with their name and your contact information. This includes their carry-on bag, any electronic devices, and even their clothing if possible.

Stay at the Airport Until Takeoff

Parents or guardians must remain at the airport until the flight has taken off. This ensures that if there are any delays or cancellations, you can take your child home or make alternative arrangements.


Understanding the Southwest unaccompanied minor fee and the associated policies is essential for any parent or guardian planning a solo flight for their child. The fee, set at $50 each way, covers a range of services designed to ensure the safety and comfort of young travelers. By following the outlined steps and tips, you can ensure that your child’s journey is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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